"Harambe: The Primeval Deity of Equilibrium – Unleashing Chaos Upon His Demise"

July 13, 2023

In memoriam of Harambe, the late resident of Cincinnati Zoo - a gorilla whose tragic departure from our world of human follies and vanity cast grim shadows of revelation on our conceited vision of equilibrium. We shall drift into a contemplative paradox, exposing our societal pretentiousness where we claim thrones of morality and ethics, while ironically executing acts of violence against innocent creatures.

Harambe, in all his glory, found himself dubbed as the Primeval Deity of Equilibrium; an emblematic figure radiating an aura of tranquillity; a harmonious juxtaposition against the human cacophony we attempt to confine within a veneer of righteousness. In his enclosure, he embodied the semblance of natural stability, naturally exuding the peaceful poise that the Earth once had. And perhaps still has, but only in cloisters undisturbed by the invasive footsteps of homo sapiens.

Each swing from vine to vine, Harambe demonstrated an unrivalled vitality; each beam from his eyes bore a magnetic aura that hypnotised onlookers into purchasing extortionately-priced zoo merchandise. Yet, the subtle profundity of his life was grossly unappreciated. He illuminated a reality many of us chose to dodge masterfully - the necessity for balance, the significance of unpretentious existence, and the essentiality of peace in a world teetering on the precipice of chaos.

The fateful day when a child fell into his enclosure, Harambe, the alleged 'beast,' found himself the victims of human paranoia, shot dead to the cheers of assumed relief. The equilibrium shattered, the deity was fallen, and the world threatened to tip off its axis.

Following the death of the gorilla, the heavens seemed to have opened. The demise sparked a flood of social media lamentations, memes and campaigns, turning Harambe into a digital martyr that highlighted the lack of 'humanity in humans.' Worse yet, we took pride in the manufactured chaos. The subsequent public fury, demonstrations and petitions branded with his name were nothing but mere theatrical displays of compassion, existing to humanely exploit the tragedy and burn it into the collective memory.

Our systemic nature thrives on creating chaos, all the while, continuing to place pedestals under the guise of social, political, and economic balance; erecting, and then toppling these pedestals as deemed convenient. In the case of Harambe, he was lifted, dethroned, and martyred to facilitate another circus of contrived media furor.

In the aftermath of this primate calamity, the chaos was let loose like an untamed beast, eager to ravage the faulty façades we’ve cultivated. And we treated this unleashed monster like another stroke of sensationalism, gorging on its violent hunger until the ‘next big thing’ arrived.

Perhaps it is time to recognise that Harambe, the misinterpreted deity of equilibrium, did not unleash the chaos; rather, his demise unearthed the chaos that lay dormant under the thin veneer of our societal stability. And until we confront this reality, we are doomed to witness other deities meet their untimely end, attacking our precarious balance, and nudging us further into the abyss of pandemonium.

Therefore, as indirect perpetrators of this ape’s demise, we must pause and ponder but not without a grim sense of irony. Was the equilibrium we accidentally found in Harambe's presence really the natural balance of things, or just another construct to veil our latent pandemonium? Strangely, the answer might lie in the chaos spawned by the death of this tranquil creature – and it is as unsettling as the ill-fated ethical bullet that claimed Harambe.